Sunday, June 10, 2012

It's been a while

So I haven't been posting lately because for a while there I had only bad/annoying news to report. Nothing getting us any closer to having the keys to our first home together. All of that, however, has changed.

Last Saturday night my husband informed me he had spoken with his parents. His mom finally got the chance to go see his dad for the first time in a while. He is currently living in Virginia while working and she is holding down the fort here. While they relaxed and ate dinner together and caught up on each others busy lives, they discussed the status of our home. They told Joe they wanted to pay for the house and have us pay them back as to avoid all of the RIDICULOUS stipulations the lender puts in place before we can even think about doing anything with our home. We were ecstatic. I cried. INCREDIBLE!!!!

So now we have a tentative closing date of June 20th... 10 days from now!!!!!!!!!!!! I am excited beyond belief. 

In addition to that fantastic news, we were invited to join my in-laws on vacation, to Orlando, FL September 12-18. So looking forward to Harry Potter's Wizarding World, and everything else. I can't wait. 

This weekend I went to Maryland to enjoy a girls getaway. It was super awesome and I love my family <3


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